16 de October de 2019

5 benefits of the hot tub

Mens sana in corpore sano. For many, the whirlpool is the perfect place to release the accumulated trends throughout the day. A moment of absolute relaxation and disconnection that brings numerous benefits to both the body and the mind. In today's post we tell you about the benefits of having a hot tub in your bathroom. With hot tubs like the ones we offer in Sanycces it will be like having a spa in your own home.

1- The daily anti-stress you need

We all need to spend at least one hour a day to relax and take care of ourselves. The hot water and the pressure exerted when the hydromassage occurs causes your body to release tension and endorphins reducing the symptoms of stress and anxiety in a state of peace and maximum tranquility. With a hot tub in your bathroom it will be like going to the spa every day. A luxury at your fingertips!

2-Maximum care for your skin

The bubbles produced by the massage system improve the quality of your skin and activate the lymphatic system producing drainage of fluids and significantly improving the firmness of your skin. It is also a great remedy against cellulite, eliminates the accumulation of fat and tones your skin.

3- It helps you repair the muscles

If you are an athlete, the hot tub will be your best ally thanks to its hot water pressure massage. It is perfect to recover the muscles after a hard training session. In addition, it helps reduce muscle contractures that may appear after exercise and relieves discomfort caused by sprains and fractures.

5-Improve your health

As we have said, it will not only take care of your mind by providing you with a state of peace and well-being, the hydromassage bathtub also has important benefits for your health as it improves and prevents the onset of many diseases. Thanks to the steam that emanates, it is a great decongestant, opens the airways and improves blood circulation.

Some of our bathtubs and whirlpool spa



bañeras exentas

bañera hidromasaje

bañera hidromasaje

bañera hidromasaje


If we have not yet convinced you with these benefits you will only need to try one of our hot tubs. Take a break, take care and enjoy your most intimate and relaxing moments from home.
Discover all the hydromassage models on our website.